Sword Art Online: Variant Showdown celebrates the tenth anniversary of the renowned Sword Art Online anime saga with the release of this new game dedicated to the fans of the franchise. In this comeback, we will again enjoy the adventures of Kirito, SAO's protagonist, and the other characters that follow him in Cross Edge.
Sword Art Online: Variant Showdown bases its world on the universe from the Sword Art Online series. This anime was released in 2012 and, given its great success, it was able to expand its world in different and very entertaining audiovisual productions. After several seasons of anime and some video games, and to celebrate the ten years of its premiere, Bandai Namco releases a brand-new free video game.
Sword Art Online: Variant Showdown stars Kirito, a young gamer from Japan who by chance learns of the existence of Cross Edge, a game designed by a high school student that hides a dangerous adventure. Rumor has it that in Cross Edge, a player appears at unexpected moments that can take out other players and wipe out part of their memory. That mystery catches Kirito's attention, who decides to investigate what is going on.
Sword Art Online: Variant Showdown is the new adventure starring Kirito and the friends we already met in the animated series. Live this adventure for free!
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- Android 9 or higher required
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